
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Chocolate And Nut Balls

Hi friends!! I know this is a late post after some weeks..Was really busy with many things.
Today I'm posting home made chocolate with nuts..


1 pckt Semi sweet Chocolate chips
3/4c Nuts(Cashew nuts,Almonds etc)
3tbsp Brown sugar
1tbsp Butter
4 to 5tbsp Desicated coconut and cocoa powder 


1.Double boil chocolate chips and butter.
2.Crush brown sugar and nuts.
3.Add this to the chocolate mixture.
4.Mix well.
5.Refrigerate this for 15 mins.

6.After refrigerating take it out and make balls out of this.
7.Roll some in dessicated coconut and some in cocoa powder.
8.Keep it in fridge for setting.
9.Enjoy homemade chocolate balls...